


Media Release

April 26, 2023

Media Contact: Morgan Mudgett, Communications & Engagement Coordinator
507-835-2052  |
7367 360th Ave, Waseca, MN 56093

RVers Team Up With Farmamerica to Give Historic Sites Some Love

Waseca, MN –  If you’ve visited Farmamerica recently, you’ve probably noticed that many of the historical buildings and the grounds could use some love and repair. In early June, around 30 volunteers from A Year to Volunteer organization will arrive at Farmamerica to accomplish just that. Volunteers from around the country will spend two weeks completing many much-needed repairs to historical buildings and sprucing up the grounds at Farmamerica- Minnesota’s Agricultural Interpretive Center.

– A Year to Volunteer is a nonprofit RV-centric volunteer organization that rallies together volunteers from all over the country to help improve parks and other community-benefiting programs. Volunteers travel in RVs, park them on the job site, and camp out for two weeks while they give their time and talent to communities across the country. They ask for nothing in return. To date, A Year to Volunteer has completed 393 work days, 41,662 volunteer hours, and 33 projects in 21 states. Their goal is to visit and volunteer in all 50 states for at least 365 days.

In June, A Year to Volunteer will be completing its first project ever in Minnesota. Around 30 volunteers will spend two weeks at Farmamerica in Waseca sprucing up the grounds, painting, repairing buildings, and landscaping. Farmamerica’s Program Director, Jenny Delnay, was the first point of contact between Farmamerica and A Year to Volunteer. “I learned about A Year to Volunteer organization from my parents who did a project with them in Louisiana to repair a state park that had been devasted by hurricanes. The amount of work these volunteers were able to do in two weeks was incredible!”

The volunteers set to arrive at Farmamerica this summer bring unique skills and talents, some are retired carpenters, others are general managers for construction projects, and some have experience operating heavy machinery. “I am very excited to see some much-needed repair work getting done at Farmamerica,” states Delnay. “Visitors will comment on some of our buildings where they can see the paint is peeling, but there are only so many hours in the day to fix things! Having a group like A Year to Volunteer come in is going to give the historic sites a huge facelift and also help protect the integrity of these sites so that visitors can continue to experience the history of agriculture.” Completing these projects will ensure that the sites are safe for the public to experience and enhance Farmamerica’s ability to tell the evolving story of agriculture.

To stay up to date with A Year to Volunteer and their upcoming project at Farmamerica, follow both organizations on social media. To connect with Farmamerica or A Year to Volunteer before, during, or after their project contact Farmamerica’s Communications & Engagement Coordinator, Morgan Mudgett.

Farmamerica is a non-profit agricultural interpretive center that connects people with the evolving story of agriculture through educational hands-on experiences like historic farm tours, day camps, and family-friendly events. The 360-acre Farmamerica site is just off Highway 14 on County Road 2, west of Waseca.
